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Fight Right For Your Baby

"A superb book. I highly recommend it. You will gain a lot of insight and information to help you be the parents you always wanted to be. I love this book!"

Lynn Lott, Co-Author of Chores Without Wars; The Family That Works Together; Positive Discipline A-Z; and More!

Designed to fit new parents’ busy schedules, Fight Right for Your Baby offers “bite-sized” easy-to-use Tools, accessible research-based information, and help with common relationship challenges for the first one to three years after babies arrive.  Download the Table of Contents to learn more.


Rhona Berens and Tina Stanley

Rhona Berens, PhD, PCC is a Gottman Educator for Bringing Baby Home, a Gottman Leader for The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, and a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator. Trained in the Couples Institute’s Developmental Model and the ND Compass for professionals working with neurodiverse couples, Rhona is a credentialed coach who helps parents stay sane and stay together. As a mom to two fabulous, complex, and fiery children, Rhona knows firsthand that parenting takes its toll on even the best of relationships, which is why she tries and fails and tries again to walk her talk with her wife and kids. It’s also why she offers expecting, new, and seasoned parents. and perinatal and other professionals who support them, assistance via coaching, workshops, and public speaking. Contact Rhona to learn more. 

Tina Stanley, MSW, LCSW has been working as a psychotherapist, medical social worker, and hypnotherapist for over thirty years in private practice. She has worked in medical and mental health settings specializing in perinatal mood disorders, parenting issues, and couples therapy. Currently, Tina also specializes in working with clients to support their creative flow and spiritual healing. After repeatedly witnessing the “in the trenches” quality many couples experience as new parents, she has come to believe passionately in the value of proactive preparation and accessible, user-friendly support. Her intention in this book is to help make the passage into parenthood easier for the sake of parents and babies. Tina is also a wife and mother and has learned a great deal, especially humility and a sense of humor, from her own family life.

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Because new parenthood delivers so many new things to fight about! Not only are you faced with a learning curve for lots of new tasks, most new parents also experience an increase in expenses and a dramatic decrease in sleep. Those shifts ramp up your sensitivity and reactivity to each other, and your ability to just think and respond clearly. Plus, being responsible for a brand new being can put even the best of you on edge as you worry about caring for your baby and delivering that care effectively, while sometimes being unsure how best to respond to your baby’s needs. All of these factors–and others unique to you and your life circumstances, e.g., some of you are also caring for aging parents or grandparents, some are navigating a postpartum mood disorder–increase conflict with your spouse. In other words, while more conflict after your baby is born can be stressful and upsetting, it is also common. Read Fight Right for Your Baby to learn more about how to manage common conflict and differentiate it from ways of Fighting Wrong that warrant assistance from a mental health professional.

There are probably many topics that you and other new parents fight about that don’t appear in Fight Right for Your Baby, as we only focused on the most common areas of disagreement. That’s the bad news. The good news is that most if not all of the Tools in our book can be applied to a wide range of relationship challenges. We encourage you and your beloved to select the Tools that resonate most for you, or inspire curiosity, and then test them out with the topics over which you currently struggle. It’s helpful to start your exploration of Tools with a “smaller” topic, one that ignites sparks between you vs. wildfires.

Books and other resources like podcasts or discussing problems with friends and family, can all be really helpful. Yet sometimes connecting with a neutral third party, like an individual or couples therapist or a relationship coach, is most beneficial. If the Tools in Fight Right for Your Baby aren’t enough to assist your relationship to the extent you most desire, or if your struggles are acute (for example, your partner is verbally or physically abusive, or you or your spouse feels ready to end your relationship), please contact a mental health professional as soon as possible.

While we are already writing our next Fight Right book–Fight Right for Your Kids (and with them too!)–it will be a while before it’s published. In the meantime, there are relationship resources worth checking out: Sue Johnson’s book, Hold Me Tight and the weekend workshop by the same name; John Gottman and Nan Silver’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work; and Stan Takin’s book and workshop, Wired for Love. While parenting isn’t the focus in those books or workshops, many of the strategies shared are easily applicable to raising kids together. Another resource worth checking out is Keeping the Joy in Relationships offered by Positive Discipline. Positive Discipline is a wonderful parenting program (Rhona is a Positive Discipline Parent Educator) that has been adapted to adult relationships. This workshop provides the opportunity to learn strategies for your relationship that were originally developed as very effective parenting tools, so it offers a win-win approach.

upcoming books

Rhona and Tina are already writing their next book: Fight Right for Your Kids (and With Them Too!). This second Fight Right book offers a range of relationship Tools designed to help parents of pre- and elementary schoolers transform Fighting Wrong into Fighting Right. Why continue to offer relationship Tools to couples for whom parenting is top of mind? Research shows that when parents who attended a parenting workshop were compared with those who attended a relationship workshop, the greatest positive impact on parenting was experienced by couples that learned strategies to improve their relationships. Long way of saying: Fighting Right with your spouse is good parenting. Fight Right for Your Kids will cover a range of topics, including strategies to skillfully handle contrasting parenting styles, as conflict in this area increases when  babies turn into pre- and elementary-aged children. Plus, Fight Right for Your Kids will offer lots of tips and Tools to disagree productively with your kids so you can stay connected with them, while also teaching and modeling life skills, and maintaining healthy parenting boundaries . 

coaching, workshops, talks

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